Tag Archives: Nigel Lythgoe

So You Think You Can Dance: Who Kissed the JUDGE?


Photo provided by AOL TV

Last night ten couples performed and many of the performances where extraordinary. Most dances had props ranging from a piano, a table and chair, and a nice comfortable bed. But that’s not all that stirred up the crowd.

Lets start off by talking about the fourth couple Marko and Melanie. They performed a Tabitha and Napoleon hip-hop piece, in which Marko played a guy left at the alter, but soon realized that his best friend was the one that was by his side all along. Anyway, it wasn’t just the dynamic dancing of the duo that had the crowd roaring, it was the sensual kiss at the end, that look like the two enjoyed it a bit much.

Marko and Melanie weren’t the only two who locked lips with each other, but out of nowhere executive producer Nigel Lythgoe leans over and kisses judge Mary Murphy for wayyyyy more than 5 seconds if you ask me. Host Cat Deeley said it reminded her of her parents kissing, either way it was pretty exciting and unexpected. But it turned into a kissing frenzy when Broadway star and judge Kristin Chenoweth leaned over and kissed hip-hop guru and guest judge Lil C…and no these were not grandma kisses on the cheek, there definitely was some lip action. Now Nigel must did not get enough, because after kissing Mary he hopped over and kiss Lil C…now that one was on the cheek…thankfully.

Well after the judges got all their kissing out the way, the dancing resume with Ashley and Chris performing a Sonya Tayeh dance piece, unfortunately it didn’t win any kisses from the judges.

Now one thing worth mentioning is the costumes…and Clarice’s costume was out of this world. She and partner Jess dance a fox trout and Clarice looked like an amazing spiral staircase of bling.

Another performance worth mentioning was another piece by Sonya Tayeh, danced by Ryan and Ricky. This piece involved a long ribbon that was attached to Ryan that symbolized a relationship that must end for reasons unknown. Anyway this piece received grave compliments and definitely showed Ricky’s strength.

Finally Tadd and Jordan performed another piece by “NappTab” or Napoleon and Tabitha, as we know them, and this hip-hop choreorgraphy also broke barriers. Not just because it included two college kids who were a little hung over and ended up in bed together, but it was the way break dancing star, Tadd slip on his jeans in literally 2 seconds.

Last night’s show was full of amazing pieces and surprises; it only leaves me to think who the heke will be sent home tonight.

No matter what, you know I will keep you posted with the judges decisions.

Well until next time, see ya later dancing fans!

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Posted by on June 30, 2011 in MCOM 341


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So You Think You Can Dance: Blood Shed one day, Tear shed the next!

Photo provided by So You Think You Can Dance Blog

So last night was the first time in So You Think You Can Dance history where 4 dancers were sent home…and boy was it a sad one,

Of the 20 dancers, Missy, Wadi, Iveta, Nick, Ryan, and Ricky were all placed in the “Bottom 3”, leaving the gang of 6 to dance for their lives.

I know I can definitely say that Ricky danced for his life, judge Nigel Lythgoe even commented on how his solo dance was the best that he’s seen from him all season.

Fortunately for Ricky, that solo helped him out tremendously, because he was chosen to stay. Along with Ricky was his partner Ryan, who was equally happy to be joining the other contestants who were on the “safe” side.

But the night grew a little sad when Missy, Wadi, Iveta, and Nick were told they would no longer be dancing on the stage. Tears shed and booing from the crown could be heard all over, but in Nigel’s words, “it had to be done.”

Well on to other things that aren’t soo sad, Rage Crew performed and they were awesome with a capital “A”. The dance group had performers of all ages dancing a hip-hop piece, but one young dancer definitely stood out in the crowd. It was completely obvious since throughout the dance, the camera continuously panned back to her. I only wish I knew her name to tell her how awesome she was.



Photo provided by MixMasters

LMFAOand the dancing group Quest Crew also performed, singing their song Party Rock Anthem. Their performance was equally good, filled with dancing, confetti, and a fire extinguisher for some odd reason. Now it could be me, but I think LMAO with singer Lauren Bennett reminds me a lot of the pop singing group the Black Eyed Peas. They even look and sound a lot like them. Umm I wonder what the Black Eyed Peas would have to say about that.

Photo provided by OK!

Last night may have been filled with a lot of tears, but at least for the remaining contestants it was a good day, especially when Nigel announced what the season winner would be getting. If you were wondering, the winner would get a quarter million dollars and a contract with Gatorade Series Fit as their ad campaign dancer. That’s a pretty sweet deal in my opinion.

While it was a sad night, we must encourage the others who will be performing in next weeks show, so Good-bye to a wonderful top 20 and Hello to our new top 16.

Until next time see ya later dancing fans.

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Posted by on June 25, 2011 in MCOM 341


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So You Think You Can Dance: Blood shed, Bollywood & Going home with Debbie

Ever heard of the saying “blood, sweat, and tears”?

Well some of the dancers on Fox’s hits show So You Think You Can Dance kind of took the LITERALLY.

Wednesday night 20 dancers performed again, since the judges could not think of who to send home last week.

Now no one may have been sent home, but someone definitely could have been sent to the doctor.

Photo Provided by These Moving Pictures

Photo Provided by These Moving Pictures

The entire top 20 dancers performed their best and were intensely immerse in their character roles, but Caitlynn and Mitchell took their performing a step further.  The couple danced a Stacey Tookey contemporary piece where Caitlynn acted as an insecure girl wanting to leave her man. Mitchell may have just given her a reason to leave, after he mistakenly hit Caitlynn in the face during their fake performance fight.  The side of Caitlynn’s face was bleeding quit a bit, and a worker on the show had to even pass Caitlynn a napkin to dab the blood. But luckily for Mitchell, Caitlynn forgave him and the two was just happy to know that their dancing brought judge Mary Murphy to tears.

Well besides the whole blood incident another… I guess freaky-ish sort of thing that happened, was long time dancer and this weeks guest judge Debbie Reynolds, saying she wanted to bring all the dancers home with her, since she could use more kids. Ummm, I am a little unsure of that, but I can say she was a great self-confidence booster for a lot of the dancers who didn’t do well, considering she gave everyone equally good feedback on their performance.

On to other things, I only have one word to say and that’s “Bollywood is back baby”. Well that may have been more than one word, but you get the point. Anyway I think Bollywood was one dance style Iveta and Nick wished they’d never picked out of the hat. Especially since Nigel Lythgoe told the duo that it was an ok performance, but nothing compared to Season 4 dancers Joshua and Katee who also performed the dance style but with greater technique and precision.

So I guess you could say last nights show was a day filled with events, but luckily for all the dancers they were invited to Debbie Reynolds pad to be her children…not sure if that’s good or bad thing yet…:)

One more thing and I promise I am finished. If you love Cat Deeley, the shows host, watch her new online show “In the Dressing Room with Cat Deeley,” where she’ll give you all the behind the scenes action behind her awesome wardrobe, hair, and make-up.  Cat will also be giving away 2 items of clothing from her wardrobe each week. All you have to do to win is just go to “upload your look” to to win. Good luck.

Anyway, most importantly don’t forget about tonight’s show were we will see for the first time, 4 contestants being sent home. I wonder who they’ll be. Don’t worry though because you know I’ll definitely keep you posted with all my up to the minute tweets.

But until next time, see you later dancing fans!!

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Posted by on June 23, 2011 in MCOM 341


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And Our Top 20 Are… So You Think You Can Dance Results

Ok so I hope you all followed my up to the minute tweets, but if not its ok…. I forgive you.

Do know however, that if you didn’t watch the show, you really missed out. But luckily for you, you can easily catch up because I definitely have the scoop on everything that happened last night.

Picture provided by Chicago

So I am very excited to say that we have our TOP 20. While it was a hard job for the judges to pick a top 20 out of 31 wonderful dancers they mange to do it with 19-year-old contemporary dancer Rickey being their first choice.  Miranda, Melanie, Sasha, Tadd, Chris, Iveta, Clarice, Jordan, Marko, Missy, Robert, Jess, Nick, Wadi, Caitlynn, Ashley, Mitchell, Alexander, and Ryan shortly joined Ricky.

This week’s choreography was nothing short of amazing. There were 9 wonderful performances that blew my socks off!! But I must say that my 3 most memorable pieces was the top 10 guys, who performed what I called a modern day “Matrix” piece choreographed by Chris Scott. The performance combined dance styles including hip-hop, contemporary, break dancing, and more. Second on my list was a hip-hop piece choreographed by Dave Scott, that included our oldest contestant yet, Robert as well as Chris, Tadd, and Wadi. And finally who ever said that girls don’t rule, because last night we definitely did. Our top 10 girls performed a Sonya Tayeh piece reflective of Japanese culture, with a somewhat Hello Kitty sound track and modern day dancer style kimonos.

On the other side of things, in order to keep things spicy this season, the judges decided that the top 20 will dance with each other as usual, but the top 10 will dance with some of our previous So You Think You Can Dance All-star members. The judges did not tell us whom those all-stars will be, but I’ll always keep you posted as soon as I find out.

Breaking Dance News!!!!!!!!!

This season for the first time ever, fans will be able to vote for their favorite contestants online. Yes I said online, but according to Nigel Lythgoe, executive producer of the show, there well be a limit of 50 times a fan can vote. That does suck, but hey it is a step up from always getting a busy signal on the phone.

The judges did a good thing in adding another way to vote, because this season fans may have a hard time picking their favorite since season 8 may by far be the best season yet!!

Well that’s all I have for you this week, but keep visiting my blog for new information on the show and on the world of dancing.

Until my next blog, see ya later dancing fans!!

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Posted by on June 10, 2011 in MCOM 341


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