Tag Archives: Asia Hinton

So You Think You Can Dance Elimination: Can I Get One Last Whooo!

Photo provided by BuzzSugar

So as we all know tonight was the elimination round of So You Think You Can Dance and two contestants where sent home.

The contestants began the show dancing one last time together as a group of 16. The piece reminded me of something in an I-spy movie, especially with the soundtrack and the fact that the dancers had on all black.

Eventually, the dancing ended and it was time for the disappointing news.  The bottom three couples were Ashley, Chris, Miranda, Robert, Caitlynn, and Mitchell. Unfortunately the “Whoo man” Robert and his partner Miranda were sent. This is quite surprising especially since the two got such great reviews on their performances; Miranda was even told that she was the most improved dancer of the group. I guess it shows that no matter what the judges say or think there is always a slight chance that you can be sent home.

Photo provided by Google

It was a pretty sad good-bye with the contestant’s speeches, but Robert told everyone to keep smiling and keep their head held high, he even had one last request… and that was for everyone to give him one final Whooooo, which everyone was delighted to do.

On to other things, there were two guest dance performances throughout the elimination round and they both were phenomenal. First to take the stage was Axis Integrated Dance Company, which is a dance company in Oakland for dancers with handicaps. A guy dancer danced in a wheelchair with his female partner at his side every way. I think it was a great idea for executive producer, Nigel to have the dancers on the show, since it lets people see that you don’t always have to physically walk to be a dancer.

Second to perform were ballroom champions Eric and Georgia, and I must say that this was one of the most amazing guest performances that I’ve seen on the show. The routine reminded me of something from a cirque de soleil performance. Both the male and female were strong when it came to lifting, and it seemed as though Georgia was a hula-hoop in the air, since Eric was able to lift her so easily. The couple also did an awesome trick in which Eric lift Georgia by her arms, making it seem as though she was walking on air. All hands go out to that performance because it was definitely breathe taking.

Well that’s all I have for you tonight, hope everyone enjoyed the show and looking forward to next weeks performance.

Until next time, see ya later dancing fans!

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Posted by on July 1, 2011 in MCOM 341


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The Perfect Shoe for the Perfect Venue

A couple of weeks ago I gave a quick tutorial on the right type of costume to wear for the different types of dance styles.  This week I am going to give another quick tutorial on the right type of footwear you should use when dancing in different venues.

Ballet Slippers 

Photo by Asia Hinton

Ballet slippers are great shoes for when dancers have to dance on concrete or on carpet. They are not slippery and they also protect dancers feet from getting cuts and rug burn. I realized ballet shoes were a great accompaniment when I was ask to dance at the Artscape festival which was held outside, and when I danced at a church which had only carpet.

Photo by Asia Hinton


  Pointe Shoes

Dancers have to be very careful when dealing with pointe shoes. In my opinion I don’t think it’s a great idea for pointe shoes to be used on carpet or on concrete. Carpet is very thick and prohibits the shoe and foot from turning easily. Concrete can damage a dancers foot and may cause “hammer toe”, which happens when too much pressure is forced on the feet.  As always a dance platform is best.


Jazz Slippers/ Jazz Tennis  

Photo by Asia Hinton

Jazz slippers or jazz tennis works just like ballet slippers. They are great for concrete or rug performances. They also keep feet protected and still look stylish with any costume.

Photo by Asia Hinton


Tap Shoes

Well of course everyone should know that tap shoes are not great on carpet, not for health reasons, but simple because you cannot hear the tap sound. Tap shoes are ok on concrete because of the sound it produces, but concrete can damage the metal tap under the shoe, causing scratching and holes from rocks that come from concrete. Tap shoes are best however on a tap floor.



Photo by Asia Hinton

I only recommend dancing barefoot when dancing on a dance platform or on a stage.  Platforms and stages are smooth and mildly slippery. Slippery is sort of a good thing though when you have to slide quickly or do multiple turns.

Also, a helpful note for when dancing barefoot, never use lotion, Vaseline, or petroleum jelly at the bottom of your feet, it becomes very slippery and dangerous. Trust me I’ve tried it before!


While stages and dance platforms are best when dancing barefoot and when dancing with different types of dance shoes, many places do not have the proper equipment for dancing, so hopefully this quick tutorial will help dancers perform their best when dancing at any venue.

Hope this helps you out as much as it helped me!!

Until next time, see ya later dancing fans.

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Posted by on June 28, 2011 in MCOM 341


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So You Think You Can Dance: Blood Shed one day, Tear shed the next!

Photo provided by So You Think You Can Dance Blog

So last night was the first time in So You Think You Can Dance history where 4 dancers were sent home…and boy was it a sad one,

Of the 20 dancers, Missy, Wadi, Iveta, Nick, Ryan, and Ricky were all placed in the “Bottom 3”, leaving the gang of 6 to dance for their lives.

I know I can definitely say that Ricky danced for his life, judge Nigel Lythgoe even commented on how his solo dance was the best that he’s seen from him all season.

Fortunately for Ricky, that solo helped him out tremendously, because he was chosen to stay. Along with Ricky was his partner Ryan, who was equally happy to be joining the other contestants who were on the “safe” side.

But the night grew a little sad when Missy, Wadi, Iveta, and Nick were told they would no longer be dancing on the stage. Tears shed and booing from the crown could be heard all over, but in Nigel’s words, “it had to be done.”

Well on to other things that aren’t soo sad, Rage Crew performed and they were awesome with a capital “A”. The dance group had performers of all ages dancing a hip-hop piece, but one young dancer definitely stood out in the crowd. It was completely obvious since throughout the dance, the camera continuously panned back to her. I only wish I knew her name to tell her how awesome she was.



Photo provided by MixMasters

LMFAOand the dancing group Quest Crew also performed, singing their song Party Rock Anthem. Their performance was equally good, filled with dancing, confetti, and a fire extinguisher for some odd reason. Now it could be me, but I think LMAO with singer Lauren Bennett reminds me a lot of the pop singing group the Black Eyed Peas. They even look and sound a lot like them. Umm I wonder what the Black Eyed Peas would have to say about that.

Photo provided by OK!

Last night may have been filled with a lot of tears, but at least for the remaining contestants it was a good day, especially when Nigel announced what the season winner would be getting. If you were wondering, the winner would get a quarter million dollars and a contract with Gatorade Series Fit as their ad campaign dancer. That’s a pretty sweet deal in my opinion.

While it was a sad night, we must encourage the others who will be performing in next weeks show, so Good-bye to a wonderful top 20 and Hello to our new top 16.

Until next time see ya later dancing fans.

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Posted by on June 25, 2011 in MCOM 341


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The Right Costume for the Right Dance Style

Photo taken by Lifetouch

Dressing the part is one of the most important things when it comes to performing. Simply because as well all know, the first thing you see when a performer appears on stage is their costumes. So in lieu of my favorite show So You Think You Can Dance, I have decided to give you all quick tutorials on how to dress the part for a dance performance and what costumes go best with certain dance styles.

First let’s tackle modern and contemporary dancing. This two-toned pink pant ensemble is light and easy to move in, it’s great for doing Shenae turns and sliding easily across the floor. Most modern or cotemporary dancing is slow in movement; therefore, a costume like this can definitely bring out a dream-like feel in your audience.

Photo taken by Asia S. Hinton (Towson University Student)

This costume is great for liturgical dancing. It’s all white with purple and blue dusting at the bottom; it kind of reminds me of waves in an ocean for some reason. This costume has a long length as well as long sleeves, great for not showing too much body parts. This also can move swiftly when turning.

Photo taken by Asia S. Hinton (Towson University Student)

This blue razzle-dazzle outfit is definitely great for ballroom dancing. It’s short, sexy, and shows off all the right assets… tastefully.  It can be danced with a fast song or a slow song, but no matter what, you are sure to dazzle the crowd.

Photo taken by Asia S. Hinton (Towson University Student)

This awesome white sheer costume can be great for a classical ballet piece. Its light weighted and you don’t have to worry about the itchy material that’s in a tutu. It has rhinestones on the trunk and a medium size rhinestone pendant that goes around the neck. The sheer sleeves are also a great complement to its classiness.

Photo taken by Asia S. Hinton (Towson University Student)

Last but not least, the purple ensemble is great for a fun jazz piece. Its loose and sheer, and it has countless rhinestones on the legs that’ll shimmer with the stage lights. This piece also has a built in lavender leotard with spaghetti string straps, that way when your dancing your heart out, you don’t have to worry about sweating and being overly hot!!

Photo taken by Asia S. Hinton (Towson University Student)

Well hopefully my quick examples of what to wear for which style of dancing helps you the next time you have to pick out an outfit or the next time you watch a performance.

Well until my next blog, see ya later dancing fans!!

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Posted by on June 22, 2011 in MCOM 341


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So You Think You Can Dance: Online Voting & Tips

Picture provided by Yahoo

Hey again!!

So just as I promised, I have all the information you need to know about how to vote online for tonight’s show.

Just a heads up, it does involve you being a member of the ever popular Facebook.

So if you’re not a member of Facebook already….I highly doubt it, since it’s like the best thing since slice bread… I thought to give you an early notice so that you’re able to spend more time voting.

But for those of us who are still stuck in the caveman days, lucky for you, the phone lines are still available for you to cast your vote

Remember phone lines and cyber votes open immediately after the show and stay open for two hours. So in order to know that you’re one of the first ones to get your vote in, I have some tips for both phone and online users.

Tips when using the Phone:

  1. Make sure you have the correct telephone number.
  2. Make sure you have the correct couple number you’re voting for.
  3. Grab your cell phone and make sure it’s fully charged…I would hate for your reason of not voting be blamed on your phone dying!
  4. Already have the number dialed…that way when Cat Deeley says “The phone lines are open” all you have to do is press send.

Tips when using Online voting:

  1. Make sure your computer is powered on.
  2. Make sure your computers battery is fully charged… Again I would hate for your reason of not voting be blamed on your computer dying!
  3. Already have the online voting page open. 
  4. Have your mouse cursor on the word VOTE…that way when Cat Deeley says “The online voting starts now,” all you have to do is click.

Well good luck to all my anticipated voters. Don’t hesitate to let me know how it went.

You can also message me on Twitter since I’ll be tweeting about the shows events.

Until tomorrow see ya next time dancing fans!!

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Posted by on June 16, 2011 in MCOM 341


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So You Think You Can Get Into Shape

For a while now I’ve been thinking of getting back into the groove of dancing. I’ve danced for 12 years, but at about 17, I decided that I wanted to give it a break.

Well it’s been four years since I’ve step foot in a dance studio, and I think we all agree that that’s well over do. So in spirit of my favorite show So You Think You Can Dance, I’ve decided that it’s about time I begin dancing again. The funny thing is that I am no longer in “dancer shape”. It’s gotten so bad that I even grow tired walking up the steps in school.

So in an effort to not pass out at my first practice, I figured I should do a little exercising to get the bones moving again.

So this afternoon I decided to exercise outdoors at a school in my area.

I exercised for about 90 minutes, didn’t want to over exert myself too much, but boy am I tired!! I never thought that my body could carry so much sweat.

Getting back into dancer shape is not as easy as I thought. Maybe I’ll keep up with this for about a week so that I am able to endure my welcome back class!!

On the flip side of things, don’t forget the top 20 of So You Think You Can Dance dancers performs, and tonight starts the first voting show. I’ll also have your updates on how to vote Online.

Well, I think I am going to lie down for a while my bones are killing me!!

Until tomorrow see ya next time dancing fans!!

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Posted by on June 16, 2011 in MCOM 341


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And Our Top 20 Are… So You Think You Can Dance Results

Ok so I hope you all followed my up to the minute tweets, but if not its ok…. I forgive you.

Do know however, that if you didn’t watch the show, you really missed out. But luckily for you, you can easily catch up because I definitely have the scoop on everything that happened last night.

Picture provided by Chicago

So I am very excited to say that we have our TOP 20. While it was a hard job for the judges to pick a top 20 out of 31 wonderful dancers they mange to do it with 19-year-old contemporary dancer Rickey being their first choice.  Miranda, Melanie, Sasha, Tadd, Chris, Iveta, Clarice, Jordan, Marko, Missy, Robert, Jess, Nick, Wadi, Caitlynn, Ashley, Mitchell, Alexander, and Ryan shortly joined Ricky.

This week’s choreography was nothing short of amazing. There were 9 wonderful performances that blew my socks off!! But I must say that my 3 most memorable pieces was the top 10 guys, who performed what I called a modern day “Matrix” piece choreographed by Chris Scott. The performance combined dance styles including hip-hop, contemporary, break dancing, and more. Second on my list was a hip-hop piece choreographed by Dave Scott, that included our oldest contestant yet, Robert as well as Chris, Tadd, and Wadi. And finally who ever said that girls don’t rule, because last night we definitely did. Our top 10 girls performed a Sonya Tayeh piece reflective of Japanese culture, with a somewhat Hello Kitty sound track and modern day dancer style kimonos.

On the other side of things, in order to keep things spicy this season, the judges decided that the top 20 will dance with each other as usual, but the top 10 will dance with some of our previous So You Think You Can Dance All-star members. The judges did not tell us whom those all-stars will be, but I’ll always keep you posted as soon as I find out.

Breaking Dance News!!!!!!!!!

This season for the first time ever, fans will be able to vote for their favorite contestants online. Yes I said online, but according to Nigel Lythgoe, executive producer of the show, there well be a limit of 50 times a fan can vote. That does suck, but hey it is a step up from always getting a busy signal on the phone.

The judges did a good thing in adding another way to vote, because this season fans may have a hard time picking their favorite since season 8 may by far be the best season yet!!

Well that’s all I have for you this week, but keep visiting my blog for new information on the show and on the world of dancing.

Until my next blog, see ya later dancing fans!!

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Posted by on June 10, 2011 in MCOM 341


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So “DO ” You Think You Can Dance: Season 8 Updates

Logo provided by Goolge

I told you all that I would give you weekly updates of Fox’s hit show “So You Think You Can Dance”, and being the honest blogger that I am, I am going to keep my promise on that.

So finally after 2 shows we were able to weave through all the not so good dancers… well let me be honest…the horrible dancers, but now we are on to the good stuff.

First things first, can someone please call a medic!!! Because once the dancers got to the contemporary choreography of the audition, some dancers blood sugar drop, others were having lower back trouble, and others had to actually be sent to the hospital. But luckily, many got it together just in time to show the judges what they’ve got.

Unfortunately it wasn’t enough for some. D.C., the hip-hop dancer and soon to be dad, couldn’t keep up with the other dancers on the contemporary piece and therefore his journey ended there. But did it? Well, luckily for Mr. D.C. long time dancer, teacher, and choreographer, Debbie Allen gave him a helping hand and offered to give him lessons for next years audition.

Well we’ll see if it’s meant to be for the other contestants, because tonight’s show will reveal the TOP 20.

You know I will definitely keep you posted, but for up to the minute updates, TWEET me. Se ya then dancing fans!!!!

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Posted by on June 10, 2011 in MCOM 341


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